
Key Technology

Core Technology

ChiRial has gathered a group of experts with multidisciplinary research and industrialization backgrounds in biology, chemistry, bio-medicine, and computer science, etc. Based on the multidisciplinary resources and core innovative experience, ChiRial has built a number of platform technologies, such as Computation Analysis and Directed Evolution of Enzymes, Biological Fermentation Engineering, Green Chiral Chemistry and Polymerization and performance testing of biomaterials (PHA). ChiRial will do our best to promote the integration and innovation of synthetic biology, chemistry, material science, engineering and other cutting-edge technology fields.

Computation Analysis and Directed Evolution of Enzymes

ChiRial has accumulated more than 500 leading enzymes. With the rapid development of science and technology, we have access to an increasing amount of useful information, knowledge and resources. The multidisciplinary background of ChiRial’s R&D team allows us to develop a range of high-quality and excellent enzymes using our expertise and skills in computational science, biology and pharmaceutical chemistry. Through functional analysis of potential target molecules, genetic modification using molecular biology techniques, followed by screening and optimization of target enzyme molecules, ChiRial has developed a library of leading enzymes that can effectively synthesize chiral materials. In the future, ChiRial will develop more effective bio-catalytic tools basing on this foundation.+

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Fermentation Engineering


Green Chiral Bio-Chem


ChiRial focuses on the development and production of chiral materials. The phenomenon 'mirror-image, non-superimposable molecules' is called chirality. Just like our right hand mirrors our left but will never fit comfortably into a left-handed glove. Essential biomolecules of life, like amino acids and sugars, are chiral. Though they exist in mirror symmetrical pairs named enantiomers, the modern life selectively uses only one of the enantiomers, such as DNA have its right-handed double helix and amino acids in proteins only of the left-handed variety. Therefore, ChiRial believe it is essential to use the correct materials for our health.

Within the chiral environment, the human body have some bias while choosing molecules. The effects to our body may differ when different exogenous chiral molecules are used (e.g. different enantiomers of food or drugs). The pharmacological action of a drug is required by a strict chiral match to the macromolecules in the body. Many studies have also shown that usually just one configuration of the compound is effective, and its enantiomer is ineffective or even harmful. Therefore, obtaining a compound in a single configuration is crucial for the effect. Usually, there are two configurations occur in equal proportions during the chemical synthesis process. It is the goal of scientists to obtain single chiral molecules by means of catalysis. Our "Green Chiral Bio-Chem" technology can perfectly solve this problem and achieve 100% mono-configuration products through process design.

Polymerization and Performance Characterization of Biomaterials

As the first company to reverse synthesize polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), ChiRial has developed and will continue accumulating chiral materials. Recently, ChiRial has also developed a controlled polymerization process to obtain polymeric materials in different combinations and with different molecular weight. In the future, based on the Polymerization and Performance Characterization platform, we will provide customized materials according to the customer's requirements for material performance to meet the diversified needs.

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